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Photos we’d rather you didn’t see

Malcolm. Proud owner of new trike outside our Nissen hut home opposite Whipps Cross hospital. A year later we’d graduated to a prefab in Second Avenue, Porter’s Field, Leyton, E10. However it seems three wheels had been exchanged for four hooves and Rosemary has learned to ride.
Charabanc trips to Clacton or even Margate were run by Thomas Tilling or ‘Grey Green’. There was a coach depot near the Baker’s Arms which was close to home. On the way back there would be a stop at a pub where the picture on the right was taken. The windmill Kiss Me Quick hat was so embarrassing that I remember the photo being taken to this day. Note the coaches in the background, I still have a Dinky model of one of those.
Minley Estate. Trunks up to your armpits combined with thick woolly socks and sandals were what every fashionable little scruff was wearing back in 1951. We won’t mention the white knickered fashion model.
Some nitwit decreed that the
Coronation street party in 1953 had to be ‘fancy dress’. Hence the idiot done up as a Gypsy Fiddler.
The new school was two miles away so a bike became a necessity. To justify such massive expenditure a far too large girl’s bike was obtained so that it could be passed on to little sister later. As the second picture shows, it lasted a long time and even Judy the dog rode it to ensure full value was obtained from such a large sum of money.
Least said about this lot the better. Clearly Brylcreem and the Elvis Presley look was more popular than I remember. The ukulele or banjo or whatever it is belonged to the Mack girls who lived next door.
